Nigerian Navy seamen man a weapon station onboard a Sea Eagle Offshore Patrol Craft

Nigerian Navy seamen man a weapon station onboard a Sea Eagle Offshore Patrol Craft

December 17, 2013

The Nigerian Naval Engineering College, Ogorode, Delta State, has graduated 95 ratings, in its 2013 academic session. The seven departments of the school which graduated the ratings include:Artificer Course A24B and A26A, which
graduated 31 ratings; Automobile
Mechanical Course, which graduated 15 ratings and Weapon Electrical Course A24B and A.26A, graduating 12.

Others were, Power Qualifying Course, with 15 graduates; Basic Engineering School, with 22 graduates; Basic Mechanic Course which had 33 graduates and Fire Men Class Q6, with 28 graduates.

Commandant of the College,Commodore A. A. Bello-Odofin, who represented the Flag Officer Commanding, Naval Training Command, Rear Admiral G.A. Ayankpele, said the college has successfully trained officers and men in Marine Engineering, Weapon Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Fire Fighting, and other allied engineering disciplines.

About beegeagle

BEEG EAGLE -perspectives of an opinionated Nigerian male with a keen interest in Geopolitics, Defence and Strategic Studies
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  1. giles says:

    oga beeg,hop u ar watching NTA now,d airforce jst unveiled a new UAV (guruma).

  2. rka says:

    I look forward to more details of the UAV.

    That aside, I am glad that the Nigerian Navy Engineering College in Ogorode near my old stamping ground is making good progress with facilities etc.

    I thought at one stage the local populace was trying to regain the navy base (formerly Sapele Port) and restore it as a port. Does anyone know what became of that?

  3. jimmy says:

    unveiling the new UAV denotes a lot of progress, i am chuffed about this.i would like to see these pretty drones deployed extensively to the North east and our coin commanders who are trusted should be trained on deploying them right into the heart along the a4 highway, and the sambisa forests.

  4. cutievik says:

    Oga giles….u for don knw by now say I sabi hate half news well well!, give me details jare before I find u come house ***winks***lol….tanks for d update while xpectin details from my OGA’s at d top and GEN Beeg…

    • giles says:

      sorry fr dat.accord to d airforce it’s more lik a reversed engineer on our aerostar uav wich got spoilt and d isreali company demanded for 6million to reactivate it,wit a range of 100+ kilometer and it’s GCS manufactured by innoson motor’s and d airforce

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