This MRAP, manufactured by Poly Technologies Incorporated(China), has been armed with a pair of W85 12,7mm heavy machine guns. The W85 HMG is produced NORINCO of China.

About beegeagle

BEEG EAGLE -perspectives of an opinionated Nigerian male with a keen interest in Geopolitics, Defence and Strategic Studies
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  1. rugged7 says:

    There are some videos of our boys being transported to the frontlines .
    Some T72s, CJTF, Sagaie light armoured vehicles etc
    Transportation in canoes etc…
    It’s on Abiyamo’s page on facebook.
    Maybe someone can extract it. I need to go back to computer school. I just can’t seem to extract it.
    Anyway, there are clear logistics issues as far as i can see.
    These top brass guys really need to sit up.
    The thing dey tire person to dey talk sometimes…

    • jimmy says:

      I mentioned this problem and I was roundly condenmmned it is actually not the issue of the Canoe PER SE, but as you very seriously pointed out the bigger ISSUE OF LOGISTICS. The NIGERIAN NAVY needs an OVERWHELMING presence on LAKE CHAD
      The silver lining to this picture is that there is a presence of our troops on LAKE CHAD
      The logistic Problem as to why the Nigerian Navy has not transported at least 20- 50 of their shallow dwelling gunboats is beyond me.
      Let me say this for the one millionth time 99% of the Nigerian officers do the right thing it is that 1% that soil their name on the BRIGHT SIDE The picture of the Soldier helping the little girl with her Shoes appears to be going VIRAL. This is what the Nigerian Army needs.

      • rugged7 says:

        Oga Jimmy,
        I agree with u.
        At a point, i was asking why can’t we have an aircraft carrier on LAKE CHAD.
        YES, i know it’s taking the matter a bit too far…
        But, really, a major amphibious base on one of the lake chad islands would be terrific.
        Fix in some super tucanos there with airstrip.
        Flood the place with 20 to 50 gun boats
        Station SF chaps there as QRF.
        Dan iska sege, Banza,
        Na beg those BH touts go dey beg u dat time…

      • rugged7 says:

        After all,
        China is building a brand new base on water with airstrips long enough for tactical bombers and air superiority fighters.
        China will dominate that asian environment like never before.
        Next will be to seize the spratly islands
        Nobody go fit cough.
        Even the americans won’t be able to do crap.

      • Kay says:

        Ogas, at least one thing I’m happy seeing is that the personnel are largely kitted well. Most have bulletproof vests and ballistic helmets at their disposal. Regarding the logistics, it shows the few dozens troop carriers we purchase barely scratch the surface. More than a few more tens more are needed for units scattered across different areas. Its especially difficult to say what would be the best as facing threats of ieds, ambushes, mines but shows some of the problems faced in the field.

        The Chad basin is even more difficult to predict whats needed, its an area bound to be mashy, very shallow and isolated. Maybe small hovercrafts to move troops and amphibious vehicles might be better placed or might just be plain overkill.

        I’m not even sure why we should be the ones telling them what to do, I’d like to imagine we have strategic thinkers in the armed forces and like stated before, we want to start seeing accountability: Billions $ expended over the years and yet we still see videos like that. Terribly sad.

      • Henry says:

        There is absolutely nothing to be happy about seeing that video. The state of deterioration in the Nigerian military beggars belief. That video shows a military that doesn’t meet the minimum requirement standard.

        The military requires an overhaul, as that video shows a military that is in a shocking and very deplorable state.

        This isn’t acceptable.

      • igbi says:

        @Kay, i did a quick analysis of the defence budget on this blog some time ago and I came to the conclusion that the military was really underfunded. The underfunding of the military had been going in for more than 30 years. I was glad to see that that situation was being addressed by the previous administration and I hope and think the good work will continue under the current administration.

      • Sir Kay says:

        Well stated. We do not criticize because we hate our country, Its because we know we can do better

      • igbi says:

        “had been going in”:= “had been goin on”

      • igbi says:

        I have just seen the video, and I don’t see anything wrong in it.

      • igbi says:

        I my last 3 comments didn’t go through, perharps this one will. I just want to say that going by the comments I expected the video to be terrible, but that is not what I saw. Does the army need more equipment ? Yes. Especially transportation equipment and the armoured kind.

      • lachit says:

        “China will dominate that asian environment like never before.
        Next will be to seize the spratly islands
        Nobody go fit cough.
        Even the americans won’t be able to do crap.”

        LOL when crap starts china will find that it bit more than it could chew
        just give me names of countries which will stand with china when the fireworks starts.
        by the way dont include russia because russia is now seriously troubled with chinese attempts to sway the central asian countries away from russian influence.
        russia is playing its moves very carefully.
        except pakistan supporting china that too i doubt because most of its military hardware are from us .
        but please feel free to enlighten me
        and i am not the supporter of us government only its common ordinary people
        i believe in the rule of freedom where small and big countries have equal rights

      • rugged7 says:

        @ Lachit
        You seem to disagree with my comments.
        It is quite clear that China has hegemonistic tendencies…
        This is not in doubt.
        The hunger for resources to feed it’s burgeoning populations and industrial complexes makes this a given
        And i don’t think China has really ever cared who was on it’s side.
        The defacto stance of Russia is ALWAYS to oppose-what it sees- as American “imperialistic” tendencies.
        SO it will automatically support China if push comes to shove.
        Then again, China is a country of 1.5 billion people. Technically that is a lot of countries and support rolled into one.
        Note the tendency to go it alone when it comes to conflicts in the Asia pacific region. Japan is one good example.
        China’s defense expenditure is rising at geometric proportions. America’s and other asian defense spending is static or at best rising in arithmetic progressions.
        China will provoke an “incident” only when it is ready militarily.
        And yes, it will be hard for anybody, including america to “cough”…

      • lachit says:

        my friend i dont disagree with u
        because of the simple fact that everybody has his or her own way of looking at things
        i only presented my point of view

        “The defacto stance of Russia is ALWAYS to oppose-what it sees- as American “imperialistic” tendencies.”
        to a everybody it might seem so but that is hardly the truth.
        ultimately both US and russia are mature enough to give space to each other to operate.
        they are past masters at this.because they dont say it in the open does not mean that many dont see it.
        CIA and FSB cooperate closely on issues of common interest and that one issue is china.
        do u think it is in russias interest to allow china to bulid up influence and arms industry which will block/destroy russian arms industry.
        what is happenning between US and RUSSIA in public view is just to feed the military industrial complex of both nations. and what is happening out of public view is to maintain the status quo of power/inluence sharing.

        and also it seems u dont have much inking of the things happenings inside china itself.

        forget US if japan decides to arm itself without any restrain it can wield in excess of 10,000 nuclear weapons withen a month.
        did u not see the fuss china made when japan launched the izomo class heli carrier.
        if pushed india too has the capability to field nuclear weapons in excess of 2000 .
        if somebody takes care of pakistan while india is engaged with china ,then the out come might be very different than many of u might think.
        and lets not forget vietnam, that nation gave nightmares to mighty china
        and lastly if US comes into play ,china will be histroy LOL
        many dont have idea of weapons which are capable of destroying nations at the blink of a eye(kind of).these weapons are available with russia and us.
        have u heard of tectonic weapon many think it is hearsay but the truth will always remain elusive

  2. ozed says:

    News coming through that Army has been asked to leave the road blocks to the police. All internal security operations to be carried out by the police in the first instance.
    I guess this is what it ought to be, but have we positioned and equipped our Police to do this effectively?

  3. Oje says:

    Oga Rugged7, you sound like the typical lay man who hates America because it is cool to hate authority or power. American is overstretched when they don’t en have to. They have been dragged into the ISIS conflict against their wish but for fear of International Condemnation if they don’t act. They are being draged against its will into Asia , chiefly by Australia, Japan and South Korea to stand up to the Chinese threat because they dont want to spend their own money defending themselves…why do that when you have Uncle Sam.American Relations withTurkey and Saudi Arabia are strained because “- America refused to sendmit troops to Syria and Yemen to do their dirty work for them.The United States has been dragged into Europe against its will again because again West European powers are too timid or cowardly to stand up to Putin’s aggression despite the fact they have two nuclear powers as well. What kind of country invade it’s neighbor 24 hours after hosting the Winter Olympics in Sochi, shoots down a civilian airline killing 200+ civilians, annexes Crimea while sending men and material to make sure Ukraine remains in tumour. ….yet America is the Evil empire lusting for war around the globe becausemthey are jobless and Russia but Putler’s Russia and China are the heroes because they are at odds with the U.S.

    We beg for American involvement yet condemn them because they are war mongers. We should all be ashamed of 9 ur anti Americanism, it’s childish and stupid. America might not be perfect, I’ve heard lots of critisms nut America must and should remain the world’s preeminent superpower. It is hard for me to imagine a world led by China or Russian, not to mention ISIS.

    • rugged7 says:

      Oga Oje,Hate ke??
      I don’t think i would classify myself as a bible-thumping, foaming-at-the-mouth america hater.
      I have enough relatives over there to prove u wrong.
      My problem is not with america, it’s with it’s myopic, disjointed and hypocritical policies…

      • Oje says:

        Policy in America changes with every new administration, no big deal in that regards. I see no reason why we should put ourselves in a position were by America’s policy affect us. It’s strange really . We should not have allowed our military decline to such a situation where its policy affects us here. Nigeria couldbt have cared less what U.S policy is when it unilaterally conducted military operations in West Africa we wee self sufficient. Same thing on the economic front, if we had diversified our economy a lot earlier A erica’s dumping of Nigerian crude would have meant little.

      • igbi says:

        @Rugged7, my good sir, why do you even have to defend yourself about not hating america ? You are not american, you are a Nigerian. We Nigerians are not subjected to america in any way. We are neither pro-america, neither anti-america, we are only pro-Nigeria ! All our decisions and perspective will be pro-Nigeria irrespective of them being against or for america. We don’t care about america’s interests, we only care about Nigeria’s interests. So My good sir I think it is telling when someone goes to a Nigerian group standing for Nigeria’s interests and tells the people that they are anti-america. What I would say to such a person would be: who is america to me ? Is america my father or my mother ? I don’t care about america. I have only one country (nigeria) and I will help my country as best I can even if I have to offend one fans of a country verry far away. So my good sir Rugged7, please disregard such comments calling you a hater of a country you don’t have to be loyal to, your loyalty goes to your country and your familly, not to a foreign country. In america they call many scams by the word “Nigerian”, isn’t that anti-Nigerian ? That is without even talking about all the recent embargo events. And all the media bashing of Nigeria:

      • lachit says:

        “Policy in America changes with every new administration, no big deal in that regards. I see no reason why we should put ourselves in a position were by America’s policy affect us. It’s strange really . ………………………..
        ……………………………………………………………………………………………. if we had diversified our economy a lot earlier A erica’s dumping of Nigerian crude would have meant little.”

        i only noticed this comment of ur now
        man it is a gem of a comment
        shows u guys are really capable of reasonable and clear thinking which actually provides insight into nigerias real life mistakes/problems and their solutions.
        i am really impressed

  4. STARTREK says:

    You man you are confused

  5. STARTREK says:

    Young man you are confusedI suggest you take a break.

    • Oje says:

      Better confused that ” clueless”. Your saw Oga Rugged7’s intelligent response. If I post “crap”, counter it with your view or idea rather than your monotonous slander.

  6. Oje says:

    Lol see Oga igbi, you think you are a patriotic Nigerian? You are home sick that’s why and you long for home, Internet warrior number one. The vast majority if my friends in diaspora are like you, sweeo the dirt under the carpet, they are most fervent in their, patriotism until they come home.

    % 80 of Nigerians are critical of the government not because they are patriotic Nigerians, they will push for change because they don’t want this country to go to the gutters. They don’t adopt your black and white simplicity, the fact majority of Nigerian Christians voted for a Muslim president shows Nigerians are non can continue your cheerleading but stop hiding beneath the facade. How will you intend helping your country? From your sentimental sense of judgement? Have you ever even voted in your life? I voted, based in PH I braved the ominous posibility of violence and made sure I exercised my right. So please get the eff out of my back.

    • Are James says:

      This is truth unearthing truth to reach out for more truth.

      However for the guy you are addressing the post to i think you are doing him more than justice by seeing uncontrolled patriotism.
      What I see is tribalism as the unconscious mainsprings of some of his outbursts in support of the last government.

      Something interesting happened with the last government. A southern, Christian, minority became president by divine intervention. Really big big stuff. It was God telling us something and an inspiring kind of transformation was suddenly possible. For the southern youth it was vindication of the idea that anybody could be anybody in a country where “born to rule” by the dumb northern aristocracy was the creed for long. It took only six months for discerning people to realize that the in office guy was far far far below the requirements of the office . For one thing he was gonna change nothing. Also he and his cronies were gonna steal moe than his predecessors combined and finally and more tragically, innate leadership or acquired leadership skills were completely lacking.

      On top of these problems, certain interests with possible foreign backing exploited the “commercial distractions” of the sitting president and commenced chipping away at the security infrastructure of the country. I suspect now that a lot of it involved penetration of the defsec establishment. .and well the rest is now history. I expect that so many things would be revealed later but the main point really is that – Nigerians weakened Nigeria first. Nigerians are more proven, respected and seen as more capable in the eyes of the world than Nigeria itself. We should be facing the truth squarely instead of indulging atavistic emotions and pampering 21st century public office holders like the royalty described in the Lord Lugard’s profile of the black man.

      • Naijaseal says:

        Are James,

        Let this GEJ thing be, all these gloating statements are neither here no there. Not everyone who supported GEJ was from SS/SE, just like not everyone that supported PMB was from the North.

        It has zero relevance now. Let PMB show his mettle now, thus far he has not shown that has a grasp of the issues facing Nigeria.

        Again, let this issue be and focus

  7. Sir Kay says:

    Here we go again. Guys, please let’s not start another round of fighting here, let all express our opinion and call it a day without hard feelings, I know i’ve had my share of such, no fun in it.

  8. Oje says:

    Baba, it takes great courage to post comments on here. It’s being polarised in two factions, Those who critize flawed governance and those who delude themselves in their fantasy of a Utopian Nigeria but abhor constructive critisms of Nigeria.

  9. rugged7 says:


  10. rugged7 says:


  11. rugged7 says:


    • Sir Kay says:

      That dude in the video just said the US pledged $5 billion, yet it’s 5 million. oh well.

      • rugged7 says:

        U.S. military pays Syrian rebels up to $400 per month: Pentagon

        5 million naira na beer money. It barely scratches the surface.
        The same america who trained mujahedeen in Afghanistan who morphed into ISIS and Al Qaeda.
        Now they are training additional “mujahedeen” in syria. Who knows what kind of devilish organization will be formed after this.
        Imagine an organization worse than ISIS and al qaeda rolled into one.
        America is playing a dangerous “Game of Thrones”…

      • rugged7 says:

        You won’t hear amnesty international trumpeting their disgust at these americans funding terrorists. Amnesty will not claim that the americans have:
        “Stars on their shoulders, Blood on their hands”

      • rugged7 says:

        **5 million dollars na beer money**

  12. Number one says:

    The $ 1 billion dollar loan was a step in the right direction.It should be taken a step further by (a) instituting a wheeled vehicle competition for a minimum of a thousand vehicles(b) an artillery competition 155/52 120 pieces sp/towed etc.these competitions will cost billions but with it we’ll get transparency,Industrial offsets/TOT,etc.

  13. G8T Nigeria says:

    Nigeria is punching below its weight is a good argument and positive criticism is welcomed in this discuss. However, it is alarming how un-nationalistic some of us have become in the affairs of our nation. There are no studies on how to love ones parents nor how to value your nation in public domain. Therefore patriotism is never conditional but the first duty of all citizens. I believe South Africans will not post videos of themselves killing other Africans (xenophobic attacks) on defence blogs. Therefore I wonder how easy it seems to post videos/links of Nigerian security forces burning buses or beating up civilians. Chadian press and its citizens rally round its forces and the media brainwash is on full steam. Nigeriens rallied in thousands behind their troops whether or not they have national issues. But with us, we are professors of negativism. We now defend America who denied us ebola drugs to watch us die as pigs. A nation whose love for interest has demystified the world into war zones. Wisdom would teach us that Irag with Saddam is obviously better than an intervention that has caused calamity to the world. A problem spreading like fire that will take 100 years to annihilate. My brother, there are np saints anywhere but we often see only the light of others but the darkness in us. A new Nigeria is not what government offer us but taking ownership of Nigeria. You express it in the content of all discussions and hold strong a mentality of change. That mentality puts you on check when you are about to comment or post links. You are not an American, British or even a Russian. You are an African and must never live in constant freedom and expectations. If you were in North Korea where patriotism is a must then by now, many would be six feet below.

    This blog Is a global reference point for Nigeria defence news but we are so negligent of the fact that your constant and irritating show of failures and projection of bad Nigerian image makes it so un-interesting. Maybe it will take LACHIT to educate some of us. I am not a blog referee but please accept responsibility of this call, contribute wisely, be patriotic and NEVER ESTIMATE THE REACH OF YOUR DEFENCE IDEAS. Thanks for your urgent cooperation.

    • rugged7 says:

      Oga G8T Nigeria,
      I know you often see a lot of criticisms of the Nigerian military here.
      But the general anecdotal impression i get, is that most people here do it out of genuine love and concern for Nigeria.
      Obviously Nigerians feel the Nigerian military should be bigger, better and more equipped than it’s peers.
      Israel is a small country but wields considerable effective military strength.
      We all know how much our lawmakers take home.
      Only the “wardrobe allawee” would cater for a significant proportion of battle gear or high end weapons for our special forces chaps.
      Nobody is perfect, but at least our Ogas-at-the-top should endeavor to put in significant leverage for our armed forces improvements.

      • Number one says:

        How many of our Oga’s-at-the-top are blessed with foresight ? How many former senators and house of reps members are now going through hardship after leaving the Government ? Are they the same ones who will listen to threat analysis by our security services ?

      • Kola Adekola says:

        Oga rugged7, I believe Oga G8T Nigeria is not talking about constructive criticism, but rather about those that piggyback on every suspicious story that comes out of the Western press, ICC, Amnesty International etc to make wild, over the top generalisations, accusations, point fingers like foreign spectators etc. These actions denigrate Nigeria, whittle away at our national pride/self-esteem and the cohesion of our armed forces.

        It doesn’t matter one bit to that lot that the stories or propaganda they are fronting are usually either completely false or lacking any basis. Their other trick is to jump on regular Nigerians who find the denigration offensive and aggressively label them as “blindly patriotic” (whatever such an illogical phrase might mean).

        Oga rugged7, we all know that gang.

        My Oga’s, Nigeria is our only country, let us love and nurture her, let us give our all and not be spectators. Without Nigerians, the place would be a mere piece of land; nobody has a right to criticise negatively without attempting to build.

    • CHYDE says:

      Thank you very much Great8T Nigeria

    • Are James says:

      @G8 Nigeria
      You think you are making a point but i will not follow you down your road. And i am a better patriot than you. My patriotism was honed by parents from a young age.

      You are complaining about people posting videos of Nigerian soldiers slitting Nigerian throats and you say you are patriotic?. ..Chai, man don suffer. Thats a fellow black, poor, dejected Nigerians we are paying people to defend. To make matters worse , we have to wait for Oyinbo people to tell us it is wrong? .
      What is happening to Nigeria? .I will get out of this blog if cowardice, infanticide and violence of women is being trumped as strength. No wonder you are afraid to buy
      4.5 generation jets and you have lost top gun pilots, good soldiers and your blue water navy is just slowly coming back.

      This other point about US denying us Ebola drugs is just too dependent and pathetic, you should not have brought it up when your point is about national glory.

      Your point about people defending the good of their country and hiding the bad is also not true. Go and talk to the average American. Tune to Fox news and listen to the criticism of Obama bordering on libel or really watch the UK media take apart their government. I have been opportuned to talk to an Indian, a Pakistani and three GCC nationals this week and the story is more or less the same- corruption, poverty and very idiotic leaders. No one pulled punches and no one hopes to be living in North Korea whose forced patriotism and worship of one man you seem to admire.

      • lachit says:

        @are james
        ” I have been opportuned to talk to an Indian, **************************** nationals this week and the story is more or less the same- corruption, poverty and very idiotic leaders.”

        i would agree with u 1 year ago
        but now india has a leader who can walk the talk

      • G8T Nigeria says:

        Good Evening Mr Are James, your reply is most welcomed although there is a thin line between foolishness and lack of understanding. My write up is to encourage us as it started with all the problems narrowed to my beginning but it seems you need some schooling. firstly, you use the word OPPORTUNED TO…..which I think positions your personality as inferior. I have friends across many European and Asian nations who loves Nigeria but totally hate the way we talk/comment about nation. People like you and some of our local nollywood movies have been identified to have contributed to the rejection of Nigerians in many countries. Secondly, no one denies that killing innocent people is wrong but the subject matter is where to air your views. A sin of a few should not always be a label on others. Otherwise, those who use atomic bombs to kill tens of thousands of civilians should not be accepted in the comity of nations. There are countless officers who have first class degrees from Harvard and other world renowned universities. They are materials being chased by many companies but choose to lay their life for you and not for your TAX. ONE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS IS NOT WORTH SITING IN A TERRAIN OF FLYING BULLET. Therefore, conduct a good burial to kill that thought of tax payers money.

        Moreso, you mentioned fox news and other references that constantly smite the leadership of America. Good point, but it took America a minimum of 15 decades to build the free society you see today. How old is your nation? A friend here took pains to come up with posters showing Nigerians forces in combat modes. Inscribing the 3 services in support of troops. Another constructively replied AI, WHAT IS YOUR CONTRIBUTION? if it is always to give narrative on the above highlighted points, then am sure you need some of my foreign friends to advice you because they believe in a developing, strong and confident black nation like Nigeria. I never expected you of all to assemble those words above but now that you did, the content of your write up against mine tells of a better patriot. God Bless Nigeria.

      • Are James says:

        Exactly what twould Indians told me this afternoon. I even brought up Modi’s perceived hatred of Muslims and they all rose in his defence. Although a Muslim from Kerla last month spent the better part of an hour calling him names when I asked about his country ‘s government. You get the impression with Modi that capacity and capability and charisma and authenticity are not issues with him.

      • Are James says:

        Please you are mixing a lot of incompatible things. Don’t bring up the word confidence when you are talking about Nigerians. It is not an issue here. In fact that is the whole point why we must point out are inadequacy areas. Nigeria did Festac in the 70s, a most arrogant showpiece of culture, an ex head of state said money was not the problem not how to spend it. Nigerians havevpassed the stage where they need the approbation of other countries to feel good but unfortunately the country is not being governed in that manner. So once again a people are in some way but the face their government shows to the world is different.
        We are definitely not like most African countries in dreaming and making things happen, what we have not conquered is the demon of irresponsible leadership, corruption and a serious lack of social conscience. Look at the bland language you used to describe human rights abuses in your post for instance, it suggests a familiarity with it and a support for it if opposition is coming from abroad. The language suggests you don’t get it about terror and the human spirit and you think the societies who get it are just there strutting it on the world stage and showing off. May you never be a victim and for many poor, healthy young men who have been victims, may Nigeria never see the anger of iys young people on a vengeance mission against their own country.

      • lachit says:

        @are james
        “Although a Muslim from Kerla last month spent the better part of an hour calling him names when I asked about his country ‘s government”
        hehehe i am 100% sure that indian muslim from kerela u mentioned,
        u meet him in one of the MIDDLE EAST countries didnt u.
        am i right ?
        many muslims work in middle east and some get influenced in the extremist form of their religious belief.they are often targetted by jihadi / ISI for influencing.
        but no worries, majority of our muslim countrymen believe in liberal ideology.
        they are our brothers

        if modi stays on for 10 years u can expect much from him

        u see there is some commonality between india and nigeria
        1.both were under colonial rule and got independence not so long ago
        2.both have diverse religious, cultural,traditional believes
        3.both have some amount of similiar central/federal relationship with the states which are again formed on liguistic/tribal? lines
        4.tensions based on linguistic / tribal /state lines
        5.substantial rich and poor divide
        6.simmering religious divide ?
        7.a large no of educated young people full of potential
        8.jackass politicians 😀

        u see the most regretable point i noted is that nigeria failed to adopt a common afro-nigerian tradition/culture/belief from its history/past that can unite every nigerian under a single banner,some thing which every nigerian can claim its own and rally around inspite of different religion/tribal identies etc.
        i had a conversation with a senior army officer from nigeria and he was telling me about this north / south divide etc. also central ,south-south ,i dont remember clearly.

        u see buhari has great potential but if he wants to take nigeria to greatness he has to improve the financial conditions while concurrently resolve the many divisive factors which is holding back nigerias progress.

        modi launched a scheme where poor people were encouraged to open bank accounts with govt providing initial RS 3000 and 1 lakh insurance free.
        withen 1 or 2 months more than 3000 crore rupees were deposited in these bank accounts by the same poor people. everybody was surprised !!!
        u all must have heard about the international yoga day. its significance is that it has been a rallying point for millions of indians including muslims,it promotes pride in their ancient traditions and fosters patriotism.even this was critisized by political opponents and fundamentalist muslims.
        but who cares. millions came out in support.

        nigeria needs something similiair from its traditons/culture/history 100% afro-nigerian in content to be promoted both nationally and in the heart and minds of nigerian irrespective of their religion/tribes/ ethnic background and believe me u r country will reach for the stars.

      • lachit says:

        @are james
        explained the figures mentioned above
        RS 3000 = 50 dollars approx
        1 crore = 100 lakh = 10 million
        RS 3000 crore = RS 30,000 million = 500 million dollars approx deposited by poor people in 1-2 months LOL.
        additional benefits : money from govt. schemes for the poor does directly to the bank account of these poor people .so no chance of corruption.

      • Roscoe says:

        @ Are James

        Abeg no go, na the same way Peccavi waka and that was a loss to the blog. Everybody here has a voice, but you have one of the biggest.

    • Kola Adekola says:

      Oga G8T Nigeria, thank you for a wonderful post. I have said it before that there are some who weirdly believe that traitorous behaviour is a talent.

      They come on a Nigerian DEFSEC blog to post the views of neo-colonial instruments of oppression/control and accuse those who do no follow that ignoble path as being “blindly patriotic.” It is deeply unfortunate, shameful and utterly despicable behaviour; a treasonable crime.

      Nigeria is our only country and no Nigerian can afford to be a spectator.

      • Are James says:

        The Beegeagle blog has patriotism as a basic requirement for any Nigerian who must comment and respect for Nigeria for any foreigner commenting. However the business of the blog is not about posting supportive posts and doing praise and worship of a rubbish culture.
        Let us face facts how many of the pseudo patriots have contributed ideas to the blog.
        The most boring contributor here is also the one that pretends that more Nigerian blood flows in him.

        Zero knowledge of defence, security and zero originality are the key features of this guy yet he persists in posting bland one liners in a scattered way to support premises we have heard so many times. Ideas, ideas and ideas, the more elegant and original the better.
        Patriotism words are not going to raise a dying giant sometimes they just bring ridicule and snide comments from people who think they have us where they want us. If you guys want to spend thread after thread moaning at US, UK, ICC, France and what have you pls knock yourself out but it is not what we should be doing . IDEAS is what we should be doing.

        So let us think up ideas and actions that will dig us out of the hole we are in. The hole is very deep. Most Asian buyers are rejecting our crude oil, we have started trying to sell at discounts.The states are broke, crime is rising -three major armed robberies back to back this week alone targeting banks and churches in Lagos
        Buhari has been told who has stolen what and he will spend most of his time chasing stolen money.
        The new combat aircraft are NOT going to happen this year or 2016. Forget about long range naval ships. There is no money.

        This is the stark reality. West bashing, East bashing or AI bashing will not help. The time for “boy scoutism” is over . Now is the time for some hard work, innovation and discipline.

      • jimmy says:

        Thank you very much for your candid comments, everything you said is the most likely scenario , that I foresee happening in Nigeria, and you should not apologize for it.
        It will be a Cold day in hell BEFORE I become a blind PATRIOT. ” AFOJU KO LE MUMI KO JA TITI ( Translation ” A blind man cannot lead across the street”
        Nigeria especially the Nigerian Armed Forces need help not Sycophantic help but Constructive help and I will not stop offering CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM till things changed.
        The same brain dead individuals who WE BERATED FOR TWO YEAR now champion the procurement of T-72S
        Nigerian Armed Forces need to take an in-depth look at why what we see on this blog they do not see until a year or three years later, We are not the enemy, we are the people who truly love Nigeria and we will be dammed if we do not tell the Emperor that he is stark NAKED WITH NO CLOTHES ON.
        i have childhood friends fighting in the N’EAST who have been there for over 12 calendar months and have seen their families in SNATCHES , the biggest injustice to them and all the others serving is to say everything is alright.
        Case in point the same” low boy” trailers that were used to transport the T-72 tanks to the North East can be used to transport the Shallow dwelling Gunboats if they cannot fit inside the C-130S transport them by road with a REGIMENT OF 150 navy sailors to dominate Lake CHAD day and Night.

  14. lachit says:

    and on the hindsight also shows how many have of us have fallen prey to it willingly or unwillingly.
    humans are vurnerable creatures the very brain which makes it the king of the animal world also makes it the most suceptible of all creatures.
    ever wondered how is it that a few people are always able to rule millions of people via democracy via one party rule via dictatorship.
    whats in a name we see what are influenced to see and funny thing is we do so with 100% conviction

  15. jimmy says:
    We are finally joinining the league of security conscious nations

  16. Kola Adekola says:

    on June 23, 2015

    South Africa threatened Tuesday to withdraw from the International Criminal Court after an outcry over the government’s refusal to detain Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir on genocide charges. Bashir flew out of Pretoria last week after attending a meeting of the African Union despite a court order that barred his departure, sparking international criticism of President Jacob Zuma’s government.

    In a heated parliamentary debate, the lead speaker for Zuma’s ruling African National Congress said South Africa would press for reforms of the ICC, accusing it of losing credibility because countries such as the United States had failed to place themselves under the control of the Hague-based organisation.

    “The ANC reserves the right to raise these reform packages and if rejected we will have no alternative but to review our membership of the ICC,” said Obed Bapela, deputy minister of traditional affairs. The opposition Democratic Alliance had accused the government of a serious breach of the constitution by allowing Bashir to leave the country.

    “The Zuma government has committed a crime of allowing a wanted man to evade the law,” said Stevens Mokgalapa, the DA’s shadow minister of international relations. The South African court which called for Bashir to be prevented from leaving the country has given the government until Thursday to explain why it defied the court order.

    In parliament, the ANC made its case clear, claiming that because Bashir was attending a meeting of the AU he was entitled to immunity, in the same way heads of state received immunity from arrest in the United States when they attended the United Nations general assembly.

    “We are not going to use the AU as a platform to arrest leaders — that will never happen,” Bapela said, adding that international criticism of South Africa’s action showed “contempt” for the continent. This line was supported by radical opposition lawmakers in the Economic Freedom Fighters, who usually totally oppose government positions.

    They said that former US president George Bush and former British prime minister Tony Blair should be arrested for war crimes over Iraq, and that leaders of Israel — which has also not joined the ICC — should be prosecuted for offences against the Palestinians.

    Bashir has evaded justice since his indictment in 2009 for alleged serious abuses in the western Sudanese region of Darfur. The conflict began in 2003 when black insurgents rose up against his Arab-dominated government, protesting they were marginalised.

  17. Sir Kay says:

    If we continue with this unnecessary arguments, we are gonna discourage beegs from contributing to this blog,
    Let people air their views, there is almost 180million of us, we all can’t think alike, that’s a given.
    Constantly calling each other names all the time we don’t agree with someone’s comment won’t change anything, tomorrow someone will express an opinion another person will have issues with, it will never stop, the only thing you can do is share yours, it’s that simple.
    Criticizing is not hate for one’s country. Some people need to understand that. Who are you loyal to? Ask yourselves that simple question. Governors? Lawmakers? Politicians? Or the people?
    Mine is to the people, and whoever is making their lives a living hell is my mortal enemy, i don’t care who it is.
    Now let’s get back to some real talk please!!!!!

  18. Oje says:

    Oga Kay, Beegs contribution to this blog is not dependant on the kind of remarks people make. The name calling you mentioned will stop if people are allowed to air their views be it negative or positive without fear of being labeled a Western cronies, a crook or a spy. We are entering the first half of the year with little or no clear strategy on how to defeat Boko Haram, meanwhile boko haram have ramped up its senseless list for blood, they d9n even do it for the TV now, they kill because they like to. In our quest to defeat terror We lose gallant soldiers who sacrifice their lives so we are free enough to even post comments here, ..Their sacrifices are hardly in vain as we push Boko Haram to the brink,…..The for some mysterious reason we STOP, we wait, wasting valuable time poliking, we wait for Boko Haram to recover from its wounds and reinforce, then they strike, then we react, then we strike, then they react..and we continue the same ole dancing in circles….

    Meanwhile we have the resources and demographic power to put the final nail to the Boko Haram coffin, instead our generals seem to have quite an appetite for attrition lately. Then rather than hold those in position of power accountable people make excuses for our corrupt leaders by blaming others for our woes. And Al this coming at a time of great economic uncertainties. Last week our Oga President said there are “limitations to what he can do at 70″… (hello!! If you are old and tired why did you contest? Are we short of able bodied men?) That same week he toured Tchad, Niger and Cameroon, what strategic benefits Nigeria gained from the visits we are yet to see. Meanwhile oil prices continue to plummet, our biggest export customer is now self sufficient in energy and might even become an export nation. And true to his new found title as the “prophet of doom” our dear President earlier today saI’d ” The Nigerian government is short of money”..transalation we are BROKE !! Broke? With wardrobe allowance? See I don tire a beg, I have a headache, i wan go sleep.

    • Sir Kay says:

      Haha, I know. Just didn’t want the man to be discourage from contributing on here if the bickering don’t stop.
      But yea, i get your point. I made comment about the allowance stuff too, its weird, yet our Government employees haven’t received salaries in months. Some leadership we have .

  19. Oje says:

    Oga Moganbo (Mr India), you are absolutely correct.

  20. Sir Kay says:

    DEFENCE HQ NIGERIA ‏@DefenceInfoNG Jun 15

    FLASH: Scores of heavily armed terrorists using women and children as shield died on Sunday when they attacked Babangida in #Yobe State .
    while their action was being foiled by troops on Sunday.Over 10 rifles and weapon accessories as well as hundreds of rounds of ammunition.
    and some Hand Grenades were also recovered from the terrorists as some of them fled with gunshot wounds

    • Sir Kay says:

      One soldier and a vigilante member however died, while 5 were wounded during the encounter

    • lachit says:

      why arent the wounded persued ?
      save a lot of trouble and lives afterwards

      • Sir Kay says:

        Ha, you know how many times i’ve heard that? “fled with gunshot wounds”
        Only the military can answer that, weird that wounded terrorists were allowed to retreat or escape

      • lachit says:

        CT tactics needs to be refined further.
        if the attack has taken place in a urban area there will be be difficulty in persuing the terrorist through damaged cars and debris AND narrow lanes etc.
        better to have 4-5 light dirt bikes handy with the pillow rider armed with light machine guns.
        the troops can persue the terrorist on the bikes and if they face obstacles while persuing they can simply carry the bikes on the shoulders over the obstacles.
        the iranians have MANPAD borne pilow riders on dirt bikes LOL

      • Sir Kay says:

        Ha, i guess, but since i wasn’t there, we don’t know the situation down there.
        I remember once when the military said terrorists basically loaded their dead into a truck and drive away lol. Like how does that happen after a gun fight. But hey, I’m hopeful this will end someday.

      • lachit says:

        @sir kay and all
        i have a question for u
        given a a bag full of sand or a bag full of rocks
        which would provide the best protection against a anti tank missile hit

      • lachit says:

        and why ?

      • igbi says:

        @lachit, I think you don’t have the facts. And for your information the Nigerian soldiers who were defending that location can’t just move away from a base they are supposed to protect. What they can do is inform central command for measures to be taken.

      • igbi says:

        @kay, picking up the dead on the battle field is not actually a new thing.

      • igbi says:

        Also, @lachit you should know that the best way to fall into an ambush is by naively pursuing a fleeing ennemy while you don’t have reconnaissance and you have a base and civilians to protect. You also have to take into consideration that the ennemy might just be trying to move you away from their target. It is not as simple as you think.

      • Sir Kay says:

        @Igbi, I meant i would have expected the area secured after those low lives were routed. So when i read about them loading their dead into truck and driving away, or escaping with gunshot wounds, that kind of baffles me.
        But as i said, i wasn’t there, so hard to judge the situation. It’s never easy being a soldier or dodging bullets. Often easy for people like us to talk about. For those soldiers, its life and death

      • lachit says:

        my dear friend u forget that the army has to be prepared for any eventuality.
        since this type of incidents have happened before therefore it is logical that tactics have to be modified and updated.
        after facing a attack and repelling it, a specilized-trained squad of men can detach from the main force to engage in persue and destroy.
        u forget the specialist group raised with the training from eben pmc.
        the same tactics of relentless persuit can be used here.
        LOL man u got to broaden u r horizens with regard to military tactic especially CT operations.

      • igbi says:

        @lachit, I think your assumptions are very wrong, Nigeria doesn’t have a billion soldiers. the field of operations is quite large. And Nigeria is on an offensive in the sambisa forrest. There are soldiers on operation in many parts of the field. So your assumption doesn’t fit reality.

      • igbi says:

        @lachit, what you said was naif. The soldiers can’t just leave the base and the relentless pursuit can absolutelty not apply here. The soldiers have an assignment and that is what they did. They defended the base and the civilians of the village. There can not to be distracted. I think you are not in your field of expertise on this matter.

      • lachit says:

        “What they can do is inform central command for measures to be taken.”
        that is why u have officers.
        if u keep waiting for instructions from central command u will loose the targets and achieve officers are trained to aceess situation and take appropriate actions. u dont seem to have faith in ur officers ? lol

        “Also, @lachit you should know that the best way to fall into an ambush is by naively pursuing a fleeing ennemy while you don’t have reconnaissance and you have a base and civilians to protect.”
        dont u think the military is aware of this basic knowledge.
        this not the first time things like this is happening in the world.
        isreal,kashmir,chechnya are full of such incidents.
        i am sure NA will look into this and take corrective measures
        or maybe the post/base was undermanned
        therefor wont be correct to speculate.
        and plz remember i am trying to help and not criticize anybody
        after all it was the brave boys who were under fire and they repelled the terrorist and not me typing from the safety of my bed

      • lachit says:

        bro i rest my case 😀

      • igbi says:

        @lachit, look you didn’t understand me. So let me try and explain again.
        1) I do not believe the base was undermanned, I believe it was manned to fulfill a purpose and it did exactly that.
        2) I have every confidence in Nigerian officers, so please don’t attribute such a thought to me ever again. What I meant was that the commanding officer was to inform the central command so that they might send personnel to pursue the fleeing terrorists or at least use the information as they see fit. It was not the role of the soldiers in that base to pursue the fleeing terrorists, their role was to protect the base and the village and that is what they did.
        3) What you seem to refuse to understand is that the number of men on a given base can not be illimitted, they can’t devise at will and there is no maggical “countermeasure”. The field is very large and not all bases can afford to divide its personnel at will.

      • igbi says:

        @lachit, you have no case.

      • Sir Kay says:

        I’m guessing sand? lol, haha

      • lachit says:


        u might be correct
        i might me correct
        u and i both might be wrong
        finally the nigerian army is fit to pass judgement on this matter.
        i trust them to give a befitting reply to such future attacks
        and to conclude
        let us give them our best wishes and keep the boys in our prayers.

        again i rest my case 😀 😀
        and plz let me rest my case igbi,bro u r breaching my god given right to rest my case 😀

  21. lachit says:

    @sir kay
    guessing huh
    no short cuts give the reason
    it is easy if u can jog ur brain cell

  22. lachit says:

    for 5 years i was in a region which had around 50-60 terrorist groups operating
    these groups specialized in ambush ,hit and run tactics.
    and they were masters of jungle warfare.
    mostly they used to move on feet.believe me they can never be spotted
    but sometimes they used to use motor vehicles.
    to escape detection they used to remove the horns all together and only the lead car used to have low light dippers on. rest would follow with their light off .imagine it with fog all round u and that too in the unpaved hills roads where a wrong turn can lead u to death.
    only way they communicate is through bird calls,they have developed it in to a language of sorts.

    the world famous counter insurgency school of jungle warfare was developed to combat them.
    even the israelis deltas and sas come here for regular training.
    some times i could see them doing rolling marches and hurling abuses hehehe
    the recent attack on indian army was in this region by one of the terror groups which led to the assault on the terrorist positions in myanmer by the para commandos
    it was in the news

    • Roscoe says:


      • lachit says:

        not maoists,these groups are based in north east part of the country.
        they above groups will eat the maoists for breakfast.
        they are armed with the modern weapons of western and chinese origin.
        they are good scouts and good in living off the forests.
        once i had a run in with these,they had come to extort money ,man i tell u it was touch and go.
        2 of these groups belong to the one of the only 2 existing HEAD HUNTING TRIBES IN THE WORLD.
        The nagas,good fighters ,during the kargil war only troops who got the NLI of pakistani army to surrender but not for long,untill their heads were chopped off by them because the NLI has mutilated and desicrated the dead bodies of their comarades.they use the NAGA DAO instead of KHUKRI for close combat at which they excel .
        i would like to recommend the NAGA dao for the special forces(assault) of Nigerian army

        ( maoists are armed with .3o3 , SLR (fnfal) ,INSAS mostly.and their speciality is the MINES especially the mines made from pressure cookers ,gurranteed to blow even a tank forget the MRAP,these home made mines pack up to 5-25 kg explosives and used in casscade type mine configuration)

  23. mcshegz says:

    Japanese Trader Itochu Dumps $1 Bln Stake in US Shale for $1
    “The sale reverses the Japanese trading company’s biggest purchase of an energy asset when it was made in 2011. The decision to exit was made because of the state of operations at Samson and the outlook for gas prices in North America, the Tokyo-based company said in an e-mailed response to questions.”

    HAHAHAHAHA, WOW. talk about a total write-off. I guess Nigeria, once again is starkly faced with the realities of volatile oil prices, hence must continually strive to diversify its revenue streams. NOTE: Nigeria’s (GDP)economy is already greatly diversified, Nigeria’s government revenue however is still largely oil dependent.
    We can all see how the big boys play with fiat money; we don’t have to be this reckless though :-/ Nigeria must leverage the power of the Naira to build domestic capacity, solar power, wind power, domestic production of gas turbines, roads, bridges, houses, new cities, hospitals, schools; 90% of these require Naira and only Naira; what are we waiting for?

  24. mcshegz says:

    Obama: Families can now freely pay ransom to terrorists
    “European governments routinely pay ransom for hostages and win their release. But the U.S. has long argued that paying ransoms both funds terror activity and makes Americans a greater target for kidnapping. Critics of the White House review argue that allowing families to do what the government won’t could lead to those same troubling consequences.”

    So, my people 🙂 when you hear in American movies “We do not negotiate with terrorists” hehehehe, that rhetoric has never been true and in fact the opposite is the case; ask the taliban, ask al-qaeda, ask isis, the’ll tell you different, once again showing how perceptions differ greatly from reality, and how some people have been brain-washed to think that movies depict the accurate realities of life. They’ll d rather prefer to hold on to this idealistic world shaped by Hollywood Inc. instead of seeing the world for what it truly is; a battle for survival at any cost. Any responsible nation with the slightest inkling of preservation of self will do what she has to do all in the name of National Interest. But for the love of Horses do not be seen to be outright hypocritical I.e preach and spew rhetoric’s about principalities, demons and dark forces and then in the same breathe, act in ways that support and justify the fore mentioned; you loose all moral high ground. Anyways, man has never been fearful of a moral high ground but of oppressive greater fire-power. So in order to effectively preserve and propagate your values, a moral high ground’s helpful, but a greater fire-power is essential 🙂

  25. Trigger says:

    So oga peccavi has gone for good? Na wa ooo he usually gives accurate analysis on events.

    People forget that not everybody have the liberty to comment always so most people just read and observe. Meanwhile those that have the opportunity to comment on issues just misuse it to show their e-warriorness. I had an argument with somebody on the other thread previously about this AI indictment issue but i found how disillusioned that person really is about Nigeria and most topics, like if you say it forcefully a million times then it is automatically true. Some people believe that they are more patriotic than others. Meanwhile patriotism is equal and cannot be measured. I am a Nigerian and a freeborn, so i have every right to my opinion while i fight to give you the right to your own opinion. Thats the definition of freedom of speech.

    Nigeria is broken, cracked and only the truth can mend it, denial will make it worse.

    I have lived in Lagos, Abuja, Abia, Ibadan, Owerri, Jos, Enugu and now Kaduna.

    I have lived in fear of lagos OPC, jos fulani marauders, Abia kidnappers, Owerri armed robbers and cultist, northern islamist.
    Does that make me more Nigerian than other people here? NO.

    When we voice our concerns for our country, we do it out of pure love. There is a red hot fire in our heart to see our Nigeria become the giant she’s meant to be,

    because we are Nigerian’s.

    On this blog there are some people who believes that they are more Nigerian than the rest, therefore they must push other opinion aside like it’s a contest of some sort.
    Nevertheless, we ‘lesser’ Nigerian’s will not give up in airing our views in the only medium we know best. This blog.

    Meanwhile yesterday i was at DICON HQ in ahmadu bello way in kaduna and i was shocked to see so many innovative ideas. Though I didn’t get the opportunity to reach their factory because it is at another part of kaduna. Anyway what i saw at their showroom was very exciting and it made me proud of my country. So many high tech gadgets. The man i spoke to told me that they have lots of ideas and projects but due to lack of funds most of them cannot be realised. First thing tomorrow i’ll be there again and i just wish they allow taking of pictures.
    I’m very happy i have this opportunity and the possibility of working alongside them.
    If all works out fine.
    Nevertheless i’ll keep fighting till i get there.

    @oga lachit is it possible to get your email address.

  26. Trigger says:

    So oga peccavi has gone for good? Na wa ooo he usually gives accurate analysis on events.

    People forget that not everybody have the liberty to comment always so most people just read and observe. Meanwhile those that have the opportunity to comment on issues just misuse it to show their e-warriorness. I had an argument with somebody on the other thread previously about this AI indictment issue but i found how disillusioned that person really is about Nigeria and most topics, like if you say it forcefully a million times then it is automatically true. Some people believe that they are more patriotic than others. Meanwhile patriotism is equal and cannot be measured. I am a Nigerian and a freeborn, so i have every right to my opinion while i fight to give you the right to your own opinion. Thats the definition of freedom of speech.

    Nigeria is broken, cracked and only the truth can mend it, denial will make it worse.

    I have lived in Lagos, Abuja, Abia, Ibadan, Owerri, Jos, Enugu and now Kaduna.

    I have lived in fear of lagos OPC, jos fulani marauders, Abia kidnappers, Owerri armed robbers and cultist, northern islamist.
    Does that make me more Nigerian than other people here? NO.

    When we voice our concerns for our country, we do it out of pure love. There is a red hot fire in our heart to see our Nigeria become the giant she’s meant to be,

    because we are Nigerian’s.

    On this blog there are some people who believes that they are more Nigerian than the rest, therefore they must push other opinion aside like it’s a contest of some sort.
    Nevertheless, we ‘lesser’ Nigerian’s will not give up in airing our views in the only medium we know best. This blog.

    Meanwhile yesterday i was at DICON HQ in ahmadu bello way in kaduna and i was shocked to see so many innovative ideas. Though I didn’t get the opportunity to reach their factory because it is at another part of kaduna. Anyway what i saw at their showroom was very exciting and it made me proud of my country. So many high tech gadgets. The man i spoke to told me that they have lots of ideas and projects but due to lack of funds most of them cannot be realised. First thing tomorrow i’ll be there again and i just wish they allow taking of pictures.
    I’m very happy i have this opportunity and the possibility of working alongside them.
    If all works out fine.
    Nevertheless i’ll keep fighting till i get there.
    You dont have to wear a uniform to be a soldier, we are all fighting our own unique battles just to push Nigeria forward.

    @oga lachit is it possible to get your email address.

  27. Oje says:

    Why do you wanna meet gof Oga Lachit.

  28. Oje says:

    Same here, I’m confused as my messages get mixed up.

  29. chynedoo says:

    $236bn in 5 years? Where did all that money go? Why is Nigerian forces, air force, army and Navy still scrapping for funds?

    • Sir Kay says:

      @Chynedoo, that article might be wrong, or should i say the figure, i read something similar days ago and posted it here, but the amount , if i remember correctly, was $23 billion dollars spent on security in 5yrs, not $236 billion, where we gonna get $236 billion to spend on security from lol,

    • ozed says:

      Oga Chynedo we need to be careful with statistics, cause wrongly handled it can start a war based on a lie.
      Firstly, upon a closer look at the info you have pasted here, it is immediately clear where most of the money is going. it is mainly going to salaries and allowances i.e. recurrent, and the use of the word ‘allocated’ is wrong. budgets are not allocated, they are computed. i.e. the decision to vote N4.1 trillion for recurrent costs was not a choice, in deed the only way to cut recurrent costs is to sack people or slash salaries, cut training, maintenance and allowances etc. (choose one!).
      The other key point you have omitted here is that what you have shown here is exactly what it is stated to be i.e. a budget. this means it is an advance estimation of what FGN planned to spend on security all things being equal. The start of any serious examination would be the articulation of what was ACTUALLY disbursed to the military. When you get that then we can have a detailed conversation.

      Finally, absolute numbers say very little. To draw real conclusions you need some comparison e.g. comparing our defense spending to other African Countries of similar economic posture, comparison to other MINT nations (i.e. Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey.

      Do this and you can then determine if we are adequately funded or not.

      Don’t get me wrong, i haven’t done this exercise so i am not saying you are wrong or right, am just cautioning that we still don’t have sufficient info to make an informed judgement.

    • igbi says:

      Chynedoo, you miscalculated. N4.62 is about 23.1 billion dollars (mental calculation )

      • igbi says:

        Moreover you confused security budget with defence budget. Indeed security budget is the budget for NSCDC, Police, Costums, DSS, Army, Navy, Airforce. The police alone has more than 300 000 personnel, the costoms have a hug number of personnel, the NSCDC as well, and the military as well. To finish with, the budget is not entirely disbursed and the little that is disbursed is merely sufficient for salaries. And let us not forget the rehabilitation of the barracks, the training, ammunition, maintenance of equipment… In conclusion the fraction of the budget meant budget meant for the military is far from enough. We already did an extensive analysis of the budget, and the conclusion was that it was ridiculous. The algerian defense military(only the military, the security agencies ), spends 10.1 billion dollars each year:

      • igbi says:

        N4.62 trillion

    • igbi says:

      Moreover you confused security budget with defence budget. Indeed security budget is the budget for NSCDC, Police, Costums, DSS, Army, Navy, Airforce. The police alone has more than 300 000 personnel, the costoms have a hug number of personnel, the NSCDC as well, and the military as well. To finish with, the budget is not entirely disbursed and the little that is disbursed is merely sufficient for salaries. And let us not forget the rehabilitation of the barracks, the training, ammunition, maintenance of equipment… In conclusion the fraction of the budget meant budget meant for the military is far from enough. We already did an extensive analysis of the budget, and the conclusion was that it was ridiculous. The algerian defense military(only the military, the security agencies ), spends 10.1 billion dollars each year:

    • ozed says:

      Oga Chynedo we need to be careful with statistics, cause wrongly handled it can start a war based on a lie.
      Firstly, upon a closer look at the info you have pasted here, it is immediately clear where most of the money is going. it is mainly going to salaries and allowances i.e. recurrent, and the use of the word ‘allocated’ is wrong. budgets are not allocated, they are computed. i.e. the decision to vote N4.1 trillion for recurrent costs was not a choice, in deed the only way to cut recurrent costs is to sack people or slash salaries, cut training, maintenance and allowances etc. (choose one!).
      The other key point you have omitted here is that what you have shown here is exactly what it is stated to be i.e. a budget. this means it is an advance estimation of what FGN planned to spend on security all things being equal. The start of any serious examination would be the articulation of what was ACTUALLY disbursed to the military. When you get that then we can have a detailed conversation.

      Finally, absolute numbers say very little. To draw real conclusions you need some comparison e.g. comparing our defense spending to other African Countries of similar economic posture, comparison to other MINT nations (i.e. Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey.

      Do this and you can then determine if we are adequately funded or not.

      Don’t get me wrong, i haven’t done this exercise so i am not saying you are wrong or right, am just cautioning that we still don’t have sufficient info to make an informed judgement.

    • igbi says:

      N4.1 trillion is about 20 billion dollars, not 200 billion dollars. I think the guy from the premium times article is not very good in calculating.

  30. lachit says:

    @sir kay
    ur guess was correct
    and this was proved in labs funded by DARPA
    the reason is that the sand grains move easily, but as the penetrating object pushes deeper, the grains become more densely compacted and resist the impact in a much, much stronger way. When there’s room to do so, particles will move out of the way of the impact, but as they get compressed denser and denser, the once-loose soil becomes a much stiffer, resistant material.
    while a bag of rocks will just scatter on impact by a anti tank missile.

    most tanks are equipped with ERA tiles some might get destroyed during battle and need to be replaced ASAP but sometimes not possible when u r deep inside enemy lines so why not innovate and use bags made of high tensile and energy absorbing fibers like kelver which u can carry with u.just fill these bags with sand in a compact manner and place it over the exposed portion/damaged ERA tiles of the tank armor and then continue with ur mission.
    syrians were using something similiar but made the mistake of using ordinary bags like those made of jute instead of much stronger blast resistant fabric.
    i hope NIGERIAN armour corps takes note of this.
    small thing make lot of difference.

  31. buchi says:

    hope we combat this new offshoot now when the bud is still in infancy, no procrastination . hope relevant authorities are taking note

    NEW SECT ‘YANLABAIKU’ EMERGES IN KEBBI Forbids Western education, shares wives

    A group known as “Yanlabaiku” with membership of about 100 followers which is also preaching against Western education has emerged at Gwadangwaji, the outskirts of Birnin Kebbi, capital of Kebbi State. The group lays claim to Islam and is conducting public preaching, meetings and processions though no violent activity has been attributed to it.

    The group’s members are also called ‘Yanlokoloko’ which is one of the names of one of its leaders, Ismaila Lokoloko, who is assisted by one Bala Amadu.

    The group is said to be opposed to one of the major teachings of the Islamic religion – the five daily prayers – as it allegedly preaches against offering them as Islam dictates.

    Members of the group, which is said to have a slogan that puts belief in their Sheikh above God, are also said to willingly surrender their wives to spend the night with their important visitors especially scholars from the group.

    Daily Trust gathered reliably from security sources in the state that the group’s leaders were part of the group that was based in Niger State before it was disbanded by government. Some of the present leaders relocated to Borno and Yobe states while others relocated to Niger Republic where they might have had direct contact with the Boko Haram.

    “You might have noticed that their criticism of the five daily prayers which is a compulsory act in Islam is synonymous with the teachings of the sect sacked from Niger State, while the Boko Haram is known to oppose Western education. The issue of sharing their wives with their scholars is a known practice by some sects in the early 70s,” the source said.

    When this reporter visited the group’s mosque at Gwadangwaji, behind the PHCN office, some of the members were seen sitting in groups around the mosque. One of the residents of the area, said while talking about the group’s members that, “they sometimes pray two raka’ats and terminate the prayer of three raka’ats saying that Sheikh will complete the rest for them and also that of four raka’ats, only two will be said instead.”

    Some residents that spoke to our correspondent on condition of anonymity, said, “the group used to converge at Malam Labarasi’s residence in Gwadangwaji. Most of us don’t pray in their mosque. We did not pay much attention to them because until we started seeing journalists and other people coming to ask questions, we never knew them.”

    Leader of the 1,600 Kebbi indigenes displaced by the Boko Haram from Borno State and Niger Republic and camped in Birnin Kebbi, Abubakar Gadu, in an earlier interview with Daily Trust said the leader of the Boko Haram group that led the attack on them in Borno State, one Bala is an indigene of Nasarawa area of Kebbi State and also a fish merchant in Doron Baga, Borno State.
    When this reporter made attempt to confirm the allegations from the Imam of the group’s mosque, some worshippers at the mosque told this reporter that the imam had been dethroned few days earlier. However, the former imam of the mosque, Muhammadu Danmaihure, 45, who our correspondent met outside his residence near the mosque said he voluntarily resigned as the imam of the mosque about a week ago after serving in that capacity for over 15 years.

    “I resigned from my position as the imam of the mosque about a week ago due some misunderstanding between the congregation and I,” he said.

    But when pressed further on why he had to shift base completely from the premises of the mosque and the building opposite the mosque where followers of the group converged to preach, Danmaihure said: “I was forced to relocate to the frontage of my house to avoid interacting with the group after several attempts and sermons failed to change the minds of the group’s members on certain ideology they are introducing.

    “I am an indigene of Kebbi State and resigned my role after 15 years of serving as the imam of the same mosque few days ago, because the sect kept insisting that after calling prayer, we must not wait for others to pray in congregation. So, I was not comfortable with that decision which resulted into a serious rift that led to my resignation as imam of the mosque,” he said.

    When asked if the sect has any similarity with the Boko Haram, why they are observing two instead of the four raka’ats in the afternoon prayer and whether the members actually gave their wives to their visitors, he denied such allegations saying they were not true, adding, “I have also heard of such allegations which I believe are being peddled by people who are opposed to the sects ideology. One can say anything if he is opposed to your religious ideology,” he said.

    “I was born and brought up in Gwadangwaji village over 45 years ago and we have been praying five times daily and it is according to Islamic injunction, We have no connection direct or indirect with Boko Haran group up to the time of my resignation as imam,” he stated.

    He said the District Head of Gwadangwaji summoned him with a congregation of the mosque for a meeting on Sunday night that lasted up to Monday morning. He said the district head questioned his resignation as imam and asked questions on the recent developments in the mosque.

    “I responded to him same as the response I gave to you journalists who came here on the issue. I also told him that, I am not aware of the purported existence of ‘Yanlokoloko’ group. I know Bala Amadu, but I do not know Ismail Lokoloko in this mosque. Bala lives close to our Sheikh’s house in Gwadangwaji. But, as I speak to you, he has moved to a place in Niger State about three months ago where he farms every season,” he said.

    Danmaihure said he currently lives with his two wives and 14 children and that apart from the district head and journalists and some other people in town, there was no security agent that visited or invited him for questioning.

    When contacted for comments, the District Head of Gwadangwaji, Alhaji Umar Ahmed, denied knowledge of the existence of the sect. But when our correspondent made mention of his Sunday night meeting with the mosque’s former imam, Danmaihure and representatives of the group, the district head shouted: “Why don’t you come and see me instead of questioning me on phone, Malam!” and hung up the call.

    When our correspondent returned to his office after the outburst and asked him same questions about the alleged emergence of the sect, the district head first responded by asking our correspondent whether he has seen any of the sects member at the mosque, adding “I can’t tell you anything because as a district head I am not supposed to speak to the press. I am supposed to report to the government. So, if you want to know anything, you should go and ask the government.”

    Meanwhile, Deputy Governor of Kebbi State, Alhaji Samaila Dabai Yombe, when contacted earlier on phone said all necessary action has been taken by government to checkmate the sect, adding that security agents are already on top of the matter. “Government has sprang into action with a follow up instruction to all security agents to bring down any such body that presents security threats to our people,” he said.

    Nevertheless, Kebbi police command denied official knowledge of the sect as the Police Public Relations Officer, ASP Nafiu Abubakar, told this reporter on phone that the command was yet to receive official report of the sect, adding, “we have not received any official report of the emergence of the sect. However, we have dispatched some personnel to investigate the claim,” he added.
    The premises of the mosque and a building opposite it which used to be a beehive of activities with the followers of the group engaged in lectures and writing on slates few days ago, is seen being deserted during the last visit of our correspondent to the area.

    There was also no presence of security personnel at the mosque and the building opposite. It is also not clear if any member of the sect has been arrested for investigation.

    About 1,600 displaced indigenes of Kebbi State and victims of Boko Haram attacks in some villages in Diffa State of the Republic of Niger were recently moved to Hajj Camp in Birnin Kebbi.

    • Sir Kay says:

      Why now? We must wait until there are thousands of them with guns. ( sarcasm).
      As much as i prefer freedom of religion and association, these groups have proven to be poisonous, now is the time to haul every single one of them away

  32. Sir Kay says:

    Russia Developing Electronic System Capable Of Disabling Cruise Missile, Enemy Military Satellites

    Russia is developing a new electronic warfare system, which can disable cruise missile and other high-precision weaponry guidance systems and satellites used by enemy forces, Radio-Electronic Technologies Group, also known as KRET, a subsidiary of state corporation Rostec, said Thursday. The system will be mounted on ground-based, airborne and seaborne carriers.

    According to KRET’s Deputy CEO Yuri Mayevsky, the new electronic system will target the enemy force’s weaponry, including deck-based, tactical, long-range and strategic aircraft and other electronic means. The system will also be used against foreign military satellites’ radio electronic equipment, Russia’s TASS news agency reported.

    “It will fully suppress communications, navigation and target location and the use of high-precision weapons,” Mayevsky told TASS. “The system will be used against cruise missiles and will suppress satellite-based radio location systems. It will actually switch off enemy weapons.”

    The system, which will operate within Russia’s air defense and missile shield control unit, is expected to be ready for ground testing at the end of this year, TASS reported, citing Mayevsky.

    Earlier this month, the Russian military test-fired a short-range anti-missile system, which successfully destroyed a simulated target at the designated time.

    “The launch was aimed at confirming the performance characteristics of missile defense shield anti-missiles operational in the Aerospace Defense Forces,” the Russian defense ministry said at the time.

    In 2015, Russia is expected to triple the production of missiles — for use in air defense and missile defense complexes — compared to last year, in a sign that the country is strengthening its missile defense shield.

    • Sir Kay says:

      Interesting stuff

      • lachit says:

        in the last thread i was trying to post info on these russian , israeli ,indian EW system.
        in order to show how satcom links can be distrupted when i posted comment on CH 4/ CH 3 / CH 3A UAV but after 22 tries i gave it up.
        russia already has a system in place and using it in ukraine
        it is very interesting
        u can google for indian samyukta electronic warfare system , israeli EW1600 dedicated satcom jammer ,The russian R-330ZH (Zhitel) and KRET long-range jammer Krasukha-4 and Rychag-AV.
        these are huge systems and cover a wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum.
        and it will do well to keep in mind that counter measures do exists to these type of systems.
        these systems are highly directional in nature and therefore have trouble maintaining lock on a high speed receeding target and also consume lot of power and therefore have a large footprint which can be located and targetted.

  33. Augustine says:

    Been silent for long. Worries about the uncertain future of Nigerian military capabilities based on the ominous signs shown by the military and political leadership.

    Policy, I am afraid as we begin to dance to American/British music again after we used Russia/China/Pakistan to win our second war on home soil like we did in Biafra era when Gowon was kneeling down begging America for Sabre jet fighter sales and Nigeria was refused, then Russia flooded NAF air base with MiG jets and Ilyushin jets.

    Super Tucano story, nobody ever thought it decent to brief Nigerians on how the FG announced publicly it wants a combat aircraft that was not acquired, nobody thinks Nigerians deserve a feedback on what went wrong. Like we are toys to be toyed with, right?

    What engine is inside that ATAK helicopter? American. What guarantee of ‘no-conditions attached’ supplies of engine spare parts do we have from Turkey? NAF has 17 almost brand new Jaguar jets with western engines still rotting useless in their pit-hole at Makurdi.

    Does anyone influential enough want an F-16 jet for NAF and he is working underground for that? Anybody in power doing that secretly?

    We finished using the Russians abi? Or we want to romance the Americans/British that refused to sell urgently needed weapons to us and wickedly watched and deliberately mocked as thousands of innocent Nigerian virgin girls and housewives were daily raped by Boko Haram, our men and boys killed, many soldiers wasted… the west plays music and asks us to dance then we too step on the open dance floor with our dancing shoes, abi ?

    One day Nigeria will have a war and Russia will refuse to be used and dumped after we won with Russian help. Then you will beg America to sell F-22 Raptor to NAF.

    Rolled from side to side in bed last night asking myself….

    Where is the transparency in military procurement?

    Where is the accountability in military spending?

    How was the $2 billion dollar special war fund spent in 2014-2015 ?

    What happened to all the millions of dollars said to be deducted monthly/quarterly by federal government from the periodic allocations of all states under emergency rule, as war funds for their regional security?

    How much of the alleged annual $6 Billion security/defense budget for the past few years was spent on overheads/salaries/consumables/training/etc so that we can know how there was almost nothing left to do capital expenditure and buy 4th generation air superiority multi-role jet fighter for $25 million a piece, no money to buy an anti-tank guided missile launcher and a dozen missiles for $1 million a package, no money to buy anti-submarine warfare helicopter for $15 million a piece, no money to buy 3rd generation composite armour main battle tank for $4 million a piece, no money to buy what Uganda and Bangladesh can afford to buy, but we see billions of dollars being allocated and spent on Nigeria’s defence sector.

    Of the $6 Billion annual budget, I have calculated maximum estimate of salaries of service men and all other overheads/recurrent at say, generously and approximately $5.5 Billion, so we should have a remainder for capital spending of $1.5 Billion from 2013-2015 directly from normal annual budget? What did we buy with that amount? Don’t even add the special fund $2 billion and the regular emergency rule deductions from affected states.

    We need to crawl on our knees and beg the people we elected to protect Nigeria, to arm up Nigeria? The oath they swore at into office, doe it include degrading the capabilities of Nigerian military to wage a war and win a war at both non-conventional and conventional levels?

    I saw oga Chynedoo’s graphic security budget chart above and it made me come out of my shell and let you all my senior Ogas know what I cry about in my bed for many nights…..

    Where is all the money? What is the reason for secret spending, hiding prices per unit and numbers of units from public view, how much are those T-72 old school basic steel armour 1st generation tanks worth per unit, how many have the T-72 ERA armour and at what price, how much to weaponize the Pumas, how much was spent on the Huey and Eurocopter helos, how much for all the old and recycled stuff we bought, how much for the brand new ones like MRAPs which are merely cheap lightly armed vehicles abi MRAP and jet fighter na the same price?

    Who runs this Nigeria like his personal piggy bank, who are those? Zero transparency and zero accountability in a 16 year old democracy ! Now you show me where it is written in Nigerian constitution that all these defense allocations spending must not be accounted for.

    I better shut my mouth again before somebody shuts it for me.

    • ozed says:

      My brother, the day all these your questions are answered, we would be a 1st world country. These are the same issues dogging us in the various segments e.g. Health, education, works etc. etc.

      Everything you have mentioned here may be summarized as ‘ACCOUNTABILITY’. the bane of our Country.

      Lack of accountability is in turn driven by two root forces primarily ‘INCOMPETENCE’ — (basically i am afraid to be held accountable since i dont know what i am doing) and its more popular cousin ‘ CORRUPTION’ (basically i dont want to be held accountable since you would end up discovering my huge kick backs).

      Between these my view is that Incompetence is a bigger problem (you might disagree, but consider there is corruption in almost all countries, the only difference in the developed countries is that they eliminate incompetence, thus corruption can co-exist with efficiency and economic growth) — we can argue on this another day.

      The only solution is what we are doing now. Keep talking about it and make it an issue constantly until things change (ps not CHANGE)!!!

    • Sir Kay says:

      Fair questions, with no obvious answers. We buy military assets in secret as if its some top of the line asset, not sure what’s with all the secrets. Many countries often make it clear to the world what they are about to buy and for how much, in our case even Ak-47 purchases are top secret.
      Don’t wait for an answer my brother, asking alone might make you unpatriotic lol.

    • igbi says:

      @Augustin, I understand what you are saying. But I also understand the need for secrecy, especially becuase of the fact that some western governments (US, UK, France) like to place us on embargo. To overcome the embargo, you need to develop secrecy. And I think that that is the main reason. If you look around the world then you will see that almost every country has a cloud of secrecy surrounding its armed forces. The USA has secret budgets for the CIA for example. I think the issue is much more complicated than one might think and keep in your mind that any given president has the power to make military procurement a public knowledge, but they all refuse to do so, right now the president has the power to make public all the procurement under his predecessor and all under himself, but I bet he will not do that. As for the new dance with the countries which basically crucified us, I am also just as shocked as you. To finish with I would love transparency, but I also understand that there is need to secrecy, and I can’t boast of having the required skill to advise how to combine secrecy and transparency. Perharps I could study the subject but I have more pressing matters. SO take care and don’t worry too much.

    • lachit says:

      if u r buying a weapon system from russian say SU 30 whats the purpose of secrecy because the though of US trying to block it is absurd, it wont be successful in any case ,simply because russia will be wanting to expand its arms market considering that the present international arms market is very competitive and also russia will want to spread its influence and cock a finger at uncle sam.

      also at this age of satellites and espionage it is really difficult to hide weapon system procurement from abroad.
      i will tell u a story how small things expose big things
      in the 1980s pakistan had started making enriched uranium,now the indians and western agencies were not sure,so to confirm their doubts RAW collected samples of hair from barber (hair cutting) saloons where the employees of the reactor got their hair cuts and had it analysed in labs for residues.the test came back positive and the doubts were confirmed.
      in they same way by looking at miscellaneous purchases / production like lubricants,spare invoices / trainees being sent abroad / communication intercepts etc the type of hardware that has been purchased can easily be profiled.the only factor is how long it takes to come to a definate conclusion.

      also u cannot compare the secrecy of funding of intelligence agency to secrecy in arms is two different thing.majority of countries never revel their intelligence funding details or at the most give incorrect figures.

      best will be to appoint a high power vigilence agency headed by a sitting supreme court judge to overlook arms deals which reports to the president only.

      • igbi says:

        @lachit, I am running out of patience with you. You seem to dive directly into Nigerian matters, that is not propper. For your information, the CIA is as much a military force as it is an intelligence agency. Quite a few armies were trained by the CIA, and quite a few terrorist organizations were also trained by the CIA. I am not having a debate with you on purely Nigerian matters.

      • lachit says:

        what i wanted to say is secrecy in arms deal is a flawed concept atleast majority of the times because certain systems which have a very low visibilty profile/usage and used in secrecy like encryption modules etc can be hidden but that too is not gurranteed.

        at the most u can hide the no of platforms and the type of platforms being procured
        but u cannot hide the deal indefinately.

      • igbi says:

        I take that as your opinion and that is all.

      • lachit says:

        look mate
        u being a nigerian i guess gives u a upper hand.
        and so i being a outsider should toe the line as dictated by u.
        then i guess i wont comment on nigerian topics .

        i did not expect such a reply from u.

        and for the last time
        “the CIA is as much a military force as it is an intelligence agency”
        by that logic FBI is a paramilitary force
        😀 😀

        bye bye

      • Sir Kay says:

        @Igbi, not to get into issues with you, but your comment at Lachit was insulting, I mean, seriously? SO because he isn’t a Nigerian, he can’t have an opinion?
        You gotta stop being so combative with people.
        You are running out of patience with him, really? What is he, a 5yr old kid?
        Take am easy my brother.

      • igbi says:

        @lachit, look. For a foreigner to be taking sides is not proper. There are some other foreigners who have been on this blog, Bharat and Eeben, for example. I think you can take a look at their neutrality and see what I mean. Also in this verry sensitive matter, it is very clear that you are taking sides. I could have gone further to poke on the holes of your writeup, but I find it strange enough that a foreigner is taking sides on purely Nigerian matters. As for the CIA, it is no secret that it has trained foreign armies and fought alongside those. The CIA operates weapons similar to those operated by the official usa military forces. Beside this if you think that the official usa military doesn’t have secret weapons developpement programs then you are daydreaming. Look, I am not here to compare my ego to yours, neither am I here to impress anybody. And I am not here to look for your validation. This matter (my country) is not a game to me and I measure what I say.

      • igbi says:

        secret weapons developpment programms cost money. Not all the weaponry of the usa military is public knowledge and that weaponry costs public money as well.

      • igbi says:

        @kay, I was not being insultive.

      • Sir Kay says:

        @Igbi, your response to him pretty much sound as if the man isn’t wanted here simply because he isn’t Nigerian, but i hope I’m wrong and that’s not the case. Enjoy your day

      • Sir Kay says:

        @lachit, no bye bye, stay and contribute, i personally enjoy your insightful comments

      • lachit says:

        firstly ur under the wrong impression that i am taking sides
        how u came to that conclusion god only knows
        also dont compare individuals (me with eben bharat they r here by their own contributions with which i have nothing to do)
        i had walked the extra mile in my contributions but that was my own decision and i have no regrets.

        also show me where i took sides ?? forget it
        some how i am quite familiar with this situation, something to do with
        “fimilarity breeds contempt”
        too much posting from my side showing the side effects atlast.
        this was something waiting to happen
        so dont worry and be happy, because as always ur correct 😀

      • lachit says:

        @sir kay
        lol what gives
        dont worry i will still make u guys scratch ur noggin from time to time 😀

      • igbi says:

        The ak47 used to be a secret weapon. And the first time it was used, it was very impressive to observers and served its purpose. I don’t think I am inventing anything by saying that there is a little bit of secrecy attached to every military. There are reasons for secret and what I was saying (which I would have prefered to not have to elaborate further on) was that understood the need for secrecy and also the need for trnsparency and that combining both is a headache to which I am not an expert and I think it would require a Nigerian general currently serving to explain to us all how and why they combine both. I was only giving one of the obvious reasons of why secrecy was needed. Let us take for example what happened with the south african deal, some deals military deals were almost botched when their secrecy was no longer (I recall a deal with south africa). There are also people in many circles (eg: ai) who are putting pressure on governments to desist from selling weapons to Nigeria. There are governments selling weapons to Nigeria who require secrecy as a condition to continue selling the weapons to Nigeria. I shouldn’t have to spell all this out.

      • igbi says:

        @kay, I have told you already that I wasn’t being insultive. It is time you let it go.

      • igbi says:

        @lachit, first of all, the fact that I am responding to you disproves your claims. Let A be ” I respond to you” and B be “I have contempt for you”. My claim is this: B -> not A.
        And I would really not want to bring quotes from you to prove my points, on this page alone it is visible. Anyway, I am not the owner of this blog and I have no claim on it, I only made a remark. now what you do and where and how you do it is not my business. I would have liked to be able to make a comment without having to follow it up with twenty more comments.

      • Sir Kay says:

        lol Good to hear lachit. Only beegs can decide who walks and who stays, and we aren’t here on this blog because our lives depends on it, so no big deal. Let’s move on to something more interesting

  34. rugged7 says:

    Obama, Nigeria’s Buhari to meet July 20, discuss Boko Haram

    Our waka dube president…
    I hope after the visit to cameroon and the U.S he can accept to finally settle down to work.
    Lots of things are going awry- Boko haram campaign, NASS, Naira, Power, Economy etc
    He needs to stabilize this ship ASAP

  35. rugged7 says:

    Print Email
    Category: News Published on Thursday, 25 June 2015 18:36 Written by Ronald Mutum
    Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Lieutenant General Kenneth Minimah Thursday told 10 soldiers undergoing helicopter training that they were to form the core of the newly established Nigerian army aviation wing to bolster its counter insurgency capabilities.
    A statement by the spokesman of the army Colonel Sani Usman said Minimah said this while addressing 10 student pilots undergoing helicopter flying training at the International Helicopter Flying School, Enugu.
    He informed the students that they will form the nucleus of the newly established Nigerian Army Aviation Wing, while revealing that the Army established its Aviation Wing to complement the Nigerian Air Force.
    Colonel Usman noted that the establishment of the army air wing was based on experiences gathered fighting terrorists in the North Eastern region where gaps in air support leading to reverses brought to the fore the need for combat helicopters to provide intimate support to troops.
    “This means apart from support from the Nigerian Air Force, the Nigerian Army will have its own air support element that will always be with the ground troops and readily provide air support whenever required,” the statement said.

  36. Dario says:

    Ali Ndume, a BH sympathiser on trial is now a senate majority leader.

    Good luck with that “political will to fight Boko Haram.”

    Awon ode lasan.

    • igbi says:

      As I said in the past some people sacrificed the north-easterners for politics. They wanted power so bad that they gave support to bht and to foreign governments. They renamed treason into patriotism and patriotism into stupidity.

    • chynedoo says:

      I thought I was the only one who was thinking a known BH sponsor was being recommended for a very sensitive position in the senate. How apt for our so called change.
      ‘You can change a government, but the state remains the same’

    • Sir Kay says:

      lol, do you always come on here once in a while to say ” I told you so”? haha, that’s an unusual style, but hey, ride on brother.
      So, was the man convicted of anything? Just curious, or are we painted a suspect as a guilty man here? Wouldn’t that be wrong.
      Now i don’t know who the man is, so not taking sides, before i have stones thrown at me

      • Kola Adekola says:

        Sir, if you don’t know the man, why are you commenting?

      • Dario says:

        But I did warn you didn’t I?

        I said it very clearly on this blog that the first properly nationalist Head of State this country had had since Murtala Mohammed was being assaulted by an international gang-up of powerful people with an interest in dismantling all forms of African nationalism to maintain Africa’s position as a poor extraction zone. I also mentioned that those powerful people were making use of local big stomach Northern men whose grouse with Jonathan was that he was a Christian from the Niger Delta and nothing else.

        I said very clearly that the candidate they backed would be a political and economic stooge for them against Nigeria’s national interest and would reopen Nigeria to exploitation. What’s the first economic policy taken by Buhari? Removal of tariff restrictions on imported textiles and furniture.

        You like to talk about DICON yeah? Well now that the few local textile producers we have will soon be dumped out of business by cheap imports from Europe and China, the very uniforms worn by our military will be made with imported textiles. Think about that.

        I predicted all this not because I am especially intelligent but because it was ridiculously obvious and easy to spot. I mean when The Economist comes out in support of a candidate in an election in your country, that should tell you all you need to know.

        But some of you like to pretend you are too intelligent and some others are just pretending to be Nigerian. Unfortunately, the universal law of karma does not look at people’s faces. We will all get exactly what we deserve.

      • Sir Kay says:

        @Kola Adekola. And me asking a simple question gave you an headache? Or you just have a freaking hard time minding your own business? This blog is for discussion, stop acting like a monkey and get the hell off my back. Why do some people act so childish on this blog. Jeez

    • FortB says:

      I heaved a huge sign of relief reading your post. At least I am not alone. Sad that most Nigerians didn’t see this coming

  37. lachit says:

    @sir kay and NA ogas

    China’s WS-64 which is the world’s first precision-guided anti-ship missile rocket launcher system.

    The defining feature of the WS-64 is its ability to effectively strike different types of targets at high precision thanks to its composite inertial/GPS + broadband passive radar homing guidance technology. The WS-35 and WS-3, for example, can already hit stationary targets with a high degree of accuracy, but the WS-64’s guidance system allows it to take down moving targets like warships.

    The WS-64, which needs to be paired with a heavy, high-mobility vehicle as a base, carries 300-millimeter rockets and has a range of 120 to 280 kilometers with a launch preparation time of only eight to nine minutes. The system is also said to have highly adaptable and simplified launch capabilities because it can launched both vertically or from a tilted angle.

    Importantly, the system comes with an INS/GNSS navigation system that is compatible with China’s Beidou Navigation Satellite System. The WS-64 claims a circular error probable (CEP) of less than 30 meters, and when in radar homing mode, the CEP is reduced even further to less than 10 m.

    developers claim WS-64 could form a key component of the naval defense system of a small or mid-sized country, claiming that its deterrent power is the next best thing to having a nuclear weapon.

    and sir kay and other NA ogas try to pin point the real reason behind china producing so many varieties of weapons and that too at such a fast pace.
    u need to have credible info on how chinas military industrial complex operates to get the answer

    • lachit says:

      might as well give the answer to the above question
      chinese military R&D institutes are attached to almost 2-5 universties.these military R&D institutes fund and sponser specific weapons related research and development progams.just imagine thousands of scholars working in tandem with the professional scientists .on one of the naval destroyer projects it was rumored that almost 5000 students comprising of mtech and phd level were working with thousands of regular naval specilist to finish the project in record time of less than 1 year.
      almost every notable military R&D institutes give patronage to a such no of universities for tapping into the huge budding manpower at disposal.especially for reverse engineering purposes.
      i hope now u get to understand why we get to see the sheer magnitude of weapons comming out of china.

      so if ***any country*** wants to develop its industial military complex this is good and fast way to do so.

      • Sir Kay says:

        Oh, i wasn’t done scratching my head, lol, but hey, now we have an answer.

      • lachit says:

        cant take chances
        ogas may run out of patience
        and decide to take it out on me 😀
        so my pre-emptive answer to the question
        better safe than sorry LOL

  38. Sir Kay says:

    Looks like the Brits have a manual for Nigeria to fix its many problems. To be handed over to yours truly very soon.
    I no fit shout

  39. ifiok umoeka says:

    Gen Lachit, if Igbi throws one @ u, congrates. U’ve just been accepted to the front row. Ask anyone with a vip pass and they will tell u so! Pls get as many like minded Indians or people from other countries who share some love 4 9ja and get them coming…especially that Bharat guy, I like it when u two throw some @ each other. Keep the brain food coming too

    • lachit says:

      @ifiok umoeka
      if i read correctly, u want me to tango with bharat again.
      man last time i tangoed with him he almost ran off with my scalp 😀
      and i barely managed to escape by a hairs breadth.
      LOLZZZ even for the delighted and expectant audience i dont think i am going to risk that again .
      as for the brain food,i can manage that (without fighting lol) ,
      u just got to ask
      i will try to oblige u as much as possible.

      by the way never seen u before
      u must be enjoying the blog as a observer.
      well i also was a observer for 4-5 months before i started commenting here
      looking back i think observer is the safest and most entertaining option.
      i think i will revert back to it in a few days from now with 1 or 2 posts a week.
      ON A FUNNY NOTE u want me to invite my friends,lol it will turn into a circus
      take my example, have i not provided more than the alloted share of entertainment and

      anyways thanks

  40. ifiok umoeka says:

    O my! I’m a fairly long timer and have been busy lately and then…perhaps its been the ‘circustry’ that nearly did me in! But hey, I’m still here. Good luck with the exams though

  41. Manny Aaydel says:

    Dear CyberGs, I would like to know if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs provides any input into the current foreign relations orientation (note that I did not use the phrase ‘foreign policy’ since it’s probably too early to use such) of the Buhari Presidency? If they did, they will at least suggest that we maintain a wide range of bilateral interaction in our own national interest. We are not even ‘pretending’ to appreciate what Russia, China, Ukraine, India, Israel and Pakistan did in support of our very successful counter-offensive against Boko Haram? Granted that we paid for everything we bought, but they could jolly well have refused to sell weapons, equipment, platforms, devices etc. to us, or even train our personnel. Personally (and as some of you have also said on this blog), I am getting deeply worried by what is increasingly appearing to be a pro-West posture by our leader. Mr. President should at least visit Russia or China soon after his impending visit to the USA. It will be too dangerous to appear one-sided as no sane country adopts that posture anymore in today’s complex geo-strategic calculations. Let us not forget Western orientation to us during the tragic Nigerian civil war, the sanctions imposed during ECOMOG operations and the recent sabotage in the anti-Boko Haram campaigns. I dey fear o!

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